52 double V_i,
double V_j,
53 double dx,
double mu,
double T)
57 const double D_ij = (V_j-V_i)/VT;
98 double V_i,
double V_j,
99 double dx,
double mu,
double T)
102 const double D_ij = (V_j-V_i)/VT;
138 double V_i,
double V_j,
139 double dx,
double mu,
double T)
142 const double D_ij = (V_j-V_i)/VT;
Implementation of the Bernoulli function.
Generic dispatcher for partial derivatives of the Scharfetter-Gummel discretization of electron and h...
double operator()(double np_i, double np_j, double V_i, double V_j, double dx, double mu, double T) const
Scharfetter-Gummel stabilization of the electron flux.
scharfetter_gummel_dVi(viennashe::carrier_type_id ctype)
Generic dispatcher for Scharfetter-Gummel discretization of electron and hold fluxes.
scharfetter_gummel_dVj(viennashe::carrier_type_id ctype)
double operator()(double np_i, double np_j, double V_i, double V_j, double dx, double mu, double T) const
Scharfetter-Gummel stabilization of the electron/hole flux.
Dispatcher for Scharfetter-Gummel discretization of electron and hold fluxes.
double operator()(double np_i, double np_j, double V_i, double V_j, double dx, double mu, double T) const
Scharfetter-Gummel stabilization of the electron and/or hole flux.
scharfetter_gummel(viennashe::carrier_type_id ctype)
Contains forward declarations and definition of small classes that must be defined at an early stage.
NumericT Bernoulli_dx(NumericT x)
Derivative of the Bernoulli function. f'(x) = [exp(x) - 1 - x exp(x)] / (exp(x) - 1)^2....
NumericT Bernoulli(NumericT x)
The Bernoulli function f(x) = x / (exp(x) - 1). Avoids round-off errors near zero.
double get_thermal_potential(double T)
Returns the thermal potential for the provided temperature.
The main ViennaSHE namespace. All functionality resides inside this namespace.
Enumeration type for selecting the carrier type.
Provides a number of fundamental constants. All constants in SI units.
Returns a few helper routines for computing physical quantities. To be replaced in the future.
static const double q
Elementary charge.